“Being the ‘best you can be’ is really only possible when you are deeply connected to another.”

—Sue Johnson

You love your partner. And they love you. But your relationship gets stuck in cycles that leave you both feeling… well, just plain bad. You want to repair or connect but you don’t know how.

You have hope that you and your partner can get to a place of deep connection. A place where you both communicate emotions, feel seen, understood, appreciated, cared for, and (deeply) loved.

It’s hard to hold on to this hope… You don’t know where you’re getting stuck or how to get out of the cycles that you and your partner are getting stuck in.  Things have changed after having children… and it feels so much harder between the two of you. This is something you haven’t experienced before, at least not on this level. You and your partner are struggling to find ways to communicate in ways that get your needs met.  Maybe you schedule date nights to try to connect or you communicate well sometimes but, if you’re being honest, those things feel like bandaids.  You’re feeling disconnected… and this is not where you want to be in your relationship. 

It's time to invest in your relationship so that you can strengthen your communication and deepen your emotional bond.  Your relationship is worth it.   

You and your partner have something special.  You’ve built a life together. You’ve overcome obstacles together.  You know that if you both gain an understanding of where you’re getting stuck, you can thrive together and experience the emotional bond you both want to experience.  

My course guides you to understand what’s going on in your relationship in a new way.  You will gain a better understanding for one another and learn how to communicate in new ways that will help you feel seen, understood, heard, and appreciated.

I will provide you with knowledge and tools that you can utilize on your own. I teach you to communicate and understand each other in a way that brings you closer together and closer to the emotional bond that you really want.

You’ve come to the right place. I can help.

Hi, I’m Emily.

I’m a couples specialist and relationship coach. I have a Masters degree in Clinical Social Work from New York University and I’ve had a private therapy practice for over 10 years. I’ve helped people with issues related to depression, anxiety, addiction, and more… but relationships have always been my passion. I truly love helping couples feel more connected… more secure. I really love relationships. All the books I read are about relationships, the podcasts I listen to are about relationships, and the shows I watch are, you guessed it, they’re about relationships too.

Relationships are powerful, beautiful, complicated, and a basic human need. Yet, life gets busy, it gets cluttered with ‘stuff’ and the relationships that are so important to us sometimes get neglected, seem to fall apart, and/or change in ways we don’t want or expect. ESPECIALLY after having children. Out of all of the couples I’ve worked with, they identify this wonderful, beautiful, and also challenging, complicated milestone as the point when their relationship… well, shifted.

I can relate. I’m a wife and mom of two and even though my husband and I had been together for fifteen years before we even had children, things got harder for us too. Children change things between partners, they just do. The new dynamic brings up more “stuff” and you might have less energy or more frustration… or maybe both.

I’m here to help. I know from experience that your relationship can get back on track and I created Connected Relationships for YOU: busy, motivated parents of young children who are looking to strengthen communication and deepen their emotional bond.

Note: While I do have years of practice as a therapist, my course, Connected Relationships is not therapy. Instead, my course is designed to be both educational and experiential but clinical struggles are not treated.